Accreditation criteria launch
Webinar - 28-01-2025
From the archive - this webinar launched the Nature Towns and Cities accreditation criteria. Watch the recording and download the content shared.
©National Trust Images / Paul Harris
Webinar - 28-01-2025
From the archive - this webinar launched the Nature Towns and Cities accreditation criteria. Watch the recording and download the content shared.
©National Trust Images / Paul Harris
Accreditation criteria launch
This webinar launched the Nature Towns and Cities accreditation criteria. The Nature Towns and Cities Accreditation recognises and rewards towns and cities putting nature at the heart of plans to ensure that everyone has access to high-quality nature-rich green infrastructure. During the event, we shared more information about the full criteria and evidence needed to become accredited, the self-evaluation tool and shared information about what types of support you can expect from the programme.
©National Trust Images/Paul Harris